Monday, March 30, 2009

Prima Donna

Very few times in my life do I find myself so frustrated with a person that I label them a prima donna. (I also wonder if that word can be applied to men.) Also, I don't enjoy nor mean to use this word blog as a means to vent about life. Upon categorizing these people as such, I pondered upon the origins of prima donna.

The OED defines a prima donna as "the leading female singer in an opera company...of great skill and renown," "a person who has the highest standing or who takes a role in a particular community or field," and also as "a self-important or temperamental person." The AHD holds a similar definition, but adds "conceited" to the list of adjectives.

Etymologically, prima donna simply comes from the Italian prima (feminine of primo) , meaning "first", and donna, meaning "lady". Too simple of a history for my liking.

1 comment:

  1. We could take the Italian back to Latin: still prima (still meaning "first") and domina (meaning "lady of the house" or "mistress").


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