I love rain. It's seriously amazing. Of course, rain isn't any fun when it's cold and icky outside and then it rains. But other than that, rain is one of the most amazing things in life.
Rain comes from the Middle English word reyn, which in turn comes from an Old English word, regn, or, rēn. It is defined as a noun as :
"1 a: water falling in drops condensed from vapor in the atmosphere
b: the descent of this water
c: water that has fallen as rain : rainwater
2 a: a fall of rain : rainstorm
b plural : the rainy season
3: rainy weather
4: a heavy fall rain of arrows>"
or, as a verb:
"intransitive verb
b: the descent of this water
c: water that has fallen as rain : rainwater
2 a: a fall of rain : rainstorm
b plural : the rainy season
3: rainy weather
4: a heavy fall rain of arrows>"
or, as a verb:
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