Monday, January 26, 2009


As defined by our trusty American Heritage College Dictionary the word 'fierce' can mean a multitude of things (multitude is also a fun word); it can mean "1. Having a savage and violent nature; ferocious." It can also mean "3. Strenuously active or resolute" and also, "6. Savage or threatening in appearance."
The word has traveled from the Latin term ferus, wild, (from indo-european root ghwer meaning "wild beast") and was then passed on through the Old French and then made it's appearance in Middle English in the form fiers.
What attracts me to this word is that although six different definitions are used for this one word, none of them seem to encompass the seemingly positive meanings encompassed by Ms. Tyra Banks in America's Next Top Model. When I first saw an episode in which she told one of her contestants to be "fierce" I was so confused by her use of the word, I went to look it up. Which really, just confused me more. To this day, when I hear someone use the word "fierce" as a compliment I am confused. Apparently it is now a good thing to look savage, threatening, and/or violent. To say that one's handbag is "fierce" seems rather odd to me. I (and apparently the AHD) have yet to be updated on this new definition.


  1. We've had this discussion and I cannot agree with you more. But hey, if "fetch" can't catch on, I guess someone had to come up with a new f-word. :p

  2. This post is fierce.


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