Monday, February 16, 2009


Tonight I decided that instead of coming up with some word that had to do with a story, I'd just pick a random word...

It didn't work.

I ended up struggling to keep my dog away from the couch by constantly calling her into my room, and proceeded to choose my word, angel. Not because she is one, but because that's her name.

"Angel" comes from both Late-Latin (angelus) and Greek (angelos), meaning messenger. It then traveled down to Old-English (engel) and Anglo-French (angele), and eventually into Middle English.

According to Merriam-Webster, an angel is:
"1a: a spiritual being superior to humans in power and intelligence ; especially : one in the lowest rank in the celestial hierarchy
plural : an order of angels — see celestial hierarchy
2: an attendant spirit or guardian
: a usually white-robed winged figure of human form in fine art
4: messenger , harbinger <angel of death>
5: a person like an angel (as in looks or behavior)
Christian Science : inspiration from God
: one (as a backer of a theatrical venture) who aids or supports with money or influence"

If I took any of those definitions, my dog would have stuck with her nickname from my former roommate: Evil. Because the only message she brings me anywhere near to a white robe is "So, I found this robe. It tasted really yummy."

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